Saturday, September 5, 2009

Raise your hands

View Larger MapI think the time has come to officially announce this good news on my blog: I got a job!!

I will be teaching Special Education English Language Arts at IS 347, School of Humanities, in Bushwick. IS= intermediate (middle) school.

It will be a difficult job, but that means there are many victories to be had ahead. Oh, yes!

School starts next week, so this weekend I am busy preparing.

My preparation falls into several categories.
1) preparing decorations for the classroom
2) preparing myself to look like a teacher
3) preparing activities for my students to do during our first week together

I am super excited. Prepare to hear lots of stories about my students from now on because guess what: Kids Rock!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Colorful Shapes Part II

Meena made this groovy cartoon. Dy-na-mite! Yes!

I feel really good about being a hexagon. That's a shape I can get down with.

4th St. Food Co-op

I am on my way to cover a shift at the co-op. Since I make reference to it in this blog semi-regularly I am going to take this opportunity to introduce you to it (although some of my readers are co-op members, so they already know.)

This little podcast does a great job of illustrating our humble cooperative endeavor. Check it out.

If you are in the NY area, you might like to stop by. Especially if you are in the market for a bike helmet, Klean Kanteen, organic spices sold in bulk, or fair trade organic bananas. Almost all our prices are tough to beat, but for those items I have never seen lower prices anywhere.